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Install Environment

Video Tutorials

Development Environment Dependency

GolangALLGolang Development Environment
CEF, liblclALLCEF Framework
NSISWindowsWindows Installation package production tool
UPXAllExecute file compression tool
7zWindowsCEF Framework compression tool

Development environment installation -3 ways

1、Automatically install the complete development environment - Online recommendation

Obtain the Energy command-line tool

  • Obtaining Method 1: Precompiled Command Line Tool Download

This method does not require manual installation of the Golang environment, and the energy command-line tool automatically installs Golang This method can skip Method 2

  • Obtaining Method 2: Self Compiling Command Line Tools

You need to install it yourselfGolang

  1. Clone Project git clone
  2. Download Dependency go mod tidy
  3. cd energy/cmd/energy cd energy/cmd/energy

Execute the command go install to install the command-line tool

go install

Installation and development environment


  1. Initialize the environment before

energy env Looking at the environment, a list similar to the one below appears

| Name      | Value                     |
| ------------------------------------- |
| Golang    |                           |
| Root      | /Users/yanghy             |
| Framework |                           |
| NSIS      |                           |
| 7z        |                           |
| UPX       |                           |
| Registry  | |
| Proxy     |                           |

energy env -w root:/Users/yanghy/app Modify the framework installation root directory, 'root: Replace it with your directory'

Execute command

energy install .

run in(windows -> cmd)(linux or macosx -> terminal)

linux GTK needs to be installed, and the default energy dependency is GTK3 GTK install command:

GTK3, sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev GTK2, sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev

2、Automatic installation development environment - offline

Tool acquisition

refer : Obtaining Method 1 Automatically install all dependencies of the Energy framework using command-line tools, applicable: Window、Linux、MacOSX Provided to users who have no network or have failed online installation and download

Manually downloading binary frameworks

Obtain the latest version of CEF and corresponding liblcl dynamic library Download

  1. Create a framework download directory by executing the directory (at the same level) on the energy command lineEnergyFrameworkDownloadCache
  2. Copy the downloaded CEF and liblcl compressed packages toEnergyFrameworkDownloadCachedir

attention: Cannot modify CEF and liblcl compressed package file names

  1. run install command
energy install .

3、Manually installing the development environment

Require compressed package file
   1. Windows and Linux only use files in the Release and Resources directories of CEF
   2. MacOSX only uses files in the Release directory
   liblcl.xx file
   Configure development environment variables

Windows & Linux

Download Corresponding version of dynamic link library compression package

  1. Create a new folder ChromiumDemo (choose the folder name yourself)
  2. CEF: Extract the 'internal' files from the Release and Resources directories to the ChromiumDemo folder
  3. Energy: Extract the dynamic link library to the ChromiumDemo folder
  4. Final directory structure

Different versions may have different files

locales - folder

cef_sandbox.lib - file

chrome_100_percent.pak - file

chrome_200_percent.pak - file

chrome_elf.dll - file

d3dcompiler_47.dll - file

icudtl.dat - file

libcef.dll - file

libcef.lib - file

libEGL.dll - file

libGLESv2.dll - file

liblcl.dll - file

resources.pak - file

snapshot_blob.bin - file

v8_context_snapshot.bin - file

vk_swiftshader.dll - file

vk_swiftshader_icd.json - file

vulkan-1.dll - file


Download Corresponding version of dynamic link library compression package

  1. Create a new folder ChromiumDemo (choose the folder name yourself)
  2. CEF: Extract the 'internal' files from the Release directory to the ChromiumDemo folder
  3. Energy: Extract the dynamic link library to the ChromiumDemo folder
  4. Final directory structure

Different versions may have different files

Chromium Embedded Framework.framework - folder

cef_sandbox.a - file

liblcl.dylib - file

Mac M1 M2

Mac ARM (M1, M2) architecture, development environment is the same as Mac AMD64 On Mac ARM Go, cross compilation is required, with the Go compilation environment set to amd64 and CGO support Running AMD architecture applications compatible with Rosetta2 Additional installation required

  1. GCCbrew install gcc, You may also need to install xcode-select --install
  2. Rosetta2 Reference link

Compilation Environment Settings

  • Cross environment: GOARCH=amd64
  • Enable CGO: CGO_ENABLED=1

Other Dependent


Linux Additional shared support libraries may need to be installed

gtk3, libharfbuzz-gobject0

Environmental configuration

Environmental: ENERGY_HOME=/EnergyFramework

ENERGY_ HOME is the development environment variable for Energy, and running the application during development will search for the framework directory from the environment variable

You can also manually specify the framework directory through Go code without configuring environment variables app.SetFrameworkDirPath

Command line automatic installation rendering



Environment installation failure

Online installation may fail to obtain remote service resources due to network factors or other restrictions.

config proxy: energy env -w proxy:http://ip:port